
What are the 5 essential elements of a Partnership Firm?

Author: Editorial Team | in, Updated on: October 18, 2024

Overview : Delve into the key essentials of forming and operating a Partnership Firm in this comprehensive blog. The Indian Partnership Act of 1932, demystifies the crucial components necessary for a firm’s establishment including drafting a detailed Partnership Agreement, fulfilling minimum requirements for partners, mutually deciding the profit-sharing dynamics, and agreeing on the liability-sharing ratios. For any assistance in the process, reach out to our Startup experts!

A Partnership Firm is formed when a group of individuals come together to start a business with shared goals and objectives. While the individuals are termed as “partners”, their association is called a “firm”. The formation, as well as existence of this firm, is based on mutually decided terms and conditions among partners, drafted and documented in a Partnership Agreement. This agreement contains crucial information like capital sharing ratio, profit-sharing ratio, liabilities of each partner, duration of the firm, processes of admitting or removing a partner, and so on. Let’s explore each of these components in detail.

Partnership Firm Meaning & Definition

In India, partnership businesses are governed under the Partnership Act of 1932. According to Section 4 of the Act, a Partnership is legally defined as “the relationship between people who have decided to split the earnings of a firm operated by all or any of them acting for all”. It is a collaborative effort where a group of individuals join hands to share the responsibilities, profits, and liabilities of a business. At the core of its existence lies a formal contract or Partnership Deed, which documents all the mutually agreed-upon terms and conditions among partners.

Before digging deeper into the components of a firm’s formation, let’s discuss what are its minimum requirements. So, to form a partnership, you need at least two individuals to act as partners, and raise it to a maximum limit of 20. Furthermore, ensure you have a valid name and registered office as well. Also, as discussed earlier, draft a Partnership Deed, and get it stamped and notarised to ensure legal validity. These lay the foundation of Partnership firm incorporation in India. The components discussed further ensure its successful operations and existence.

Partnership Agreement

A contract between partners is the foundation of a partnership. It is the documented version of all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the partners. It contains all the basic details of the partnership firm including its name, location, the names of partners, their rights, obligations, profit, and capital sharing ratios. A valid partnership agreement shall be signed by all partners in the presence of a notary. Additionally, the notary is also required to stamp the document after the payment of the applicable stamp duty. The existence of a firm depends on the existence of the Partnership Agreement, and if the latter becomes nullified, the former will immediately cease to exist.

5 Essential Components of a Partnership Firm

Partnership Firms draw their strength from pivotal components essential for their structural integrity and functioning. For instance, the foundational Partnership Deed, a documented agreement, encapsulates terms, obligations, and shared objectives between the partners. Moreover, with a minimum requirement of two individuals, the essence of this collaborative venture is rooted in mutual consent and collective decision-making. The table below delves into the key components of Partnership Firms, each of them explained further in full detail.

Essential ComponentsKey Purpose
Two or More IndividualsA minimum of two individuals is required to establish a partnership, where mutual consent drives business decisions.
Optional RegistrationPartners may or may not incorporate the firm, after the deed has been signed & notarised, indicating that this legal process is optional in its case.
Mutual Agreement on the ContractPartners mutually agree to engage in a business venture, aligning on goals, responsibilities, and operational aspects.
Shared Profits and LiabilitiesProfit-sharing is a fundamental aspect of partnerships, where earnings and losses are distributed among partners according to agreed-upon terms.
Mutual Agency in PartnershipEach partner serves as both a principal and agent, allowing actions of any partner to be binding on all others. This mutual agency empowers each partner to act on behalf of the entire partnership.

Maximum 20 partners & Optional Registration

Since a partnership is the product of a contract, a minimum of two individuals are required to establish it. However, their maximum number can be raised upto 20 (10 in case of a banking business). A firm is formed under the State Government. An application may be filed for incorporation to the state’s Registrar of Firms, and if approved, it may gain a legal identity distinct from its partners. Contrarily, if the partners want, they can simply notarise the deed and operate the firm without a formal incorporation. It is crucial to note that a registered firm offers more advantages and convenience in operations compared to an unregistered firm.

Shared Goal for Business

The parties’ agreement to run a firm is the third component for a partnership. Every trade, occupation, and profession can be qualified as “business” as long as it earns profits and revenues.Therefore, a non-profit business with the goal to carry out some philanthropic work cannot be qualified as a partnership firm. Similarly, a group of people may agree to divide the income from a certain property or the bulk purchases of commodities among themselves. Such mutual arrangements cannot be termed as partnership and the people involved cannot be termed as partners, because neither a business is being operated nor revenues or profits are being earned.

Profit Sharing & Distribution

This is the most crucial component of a partnership and ensures that the agreement to do business must have its goal as the distribution of profits among all its partners. As a result, there would be no partnership in cases where the business is run solely for charitable purposes and not for profit, or if only one person is entitled to the entire share of the company’s profits. Hence, the partners must share or distribute the profits among themselves in a Partnership Firm. The partners are free to decide the ratio in which they want to divide the profits among themselves.

Unlimited & Shared Liabilities

Similar to profit-sharing, the partners are also responsible for sharing the liabilities of the firm. The ratio of sharing liabilities and losses is also mutually decided between partners and documented in the Partnership Agreement. However, the collective liabilities are unlimited and the personal assets of each partner is at risk of loss, if the dues are not paid off. This is a major drawback of operating a Partnership Firm in India, and hence the reason of the introduction of Limited Liability Partnerships.

Mutual Agency In a Partnership

Ultimately, a Partnership Firm is characterised by the mutual agency between the partners or any person acting on their behalf. Each partner, therefore, shall be a principal and an agent for himself and all the other partners. This means that the actions of each partner done in an official capacity shall be binding on every other partner. Such a feature can have far-reaching implications in shaping the future of the partnership firm,


A Partnership Firm is not merely a legal entity but a collaborative endeavor defined by shared objectives and interconnected responsibilities between individual partners. The quintessential components, encapsulated in the Partnership Deed, explores the significance of mutual agreement, profit-sharing dynamics, and the pivotal principle of mutual agency among them. It is crucial to embrace these components for the successful and reliant formation of a Partnership Firm in India.


1.Is a Partnership Deed necessary for forming a Partnership Firm?
2.How many partners are required to establish a Partnership Firm?
3.Can a Partnership Firm have more than 20 partners?
4.How are profits and liabilities shared in a Partnership Firm?
5.What role does mutual agency play in a Partnership Firm?

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Editorial Team | in

Setindiabiz Editorial Team is a multidisciplinary collective of Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, and Advocates offering authoritative insights on India’s regulatory and business landscape. With decades of experience in compliance, taxation, and advisory, they empower entrepreneurs and enterprises to make informed decisions.