
Check FSSAI License Applicability

FSSAI Registration or License, whether the state licence or Central License, applies to every food business operator (FBO). Call us to know the applicability of FSSAI Registration or License to your food business.

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Our Professional Fee For FSSAI Registration of License

Fssai Registration

Required if the turnover is less than 12 lac in a Financial Year & the business is within the state

₹ 2,999/-Government Fee on Actual
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Fssai State License

When turnover is more than 12 Lac & upto 20 Crores for retailer/ 30 Crores for wholesalers

₹ 8,499/-Government Fee on Actual
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Fssai Central License

For all cases where turnover exceeds limits prescribed for state License or involved in export.

₹ 11,999/-Government Fee on Actual
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Meaning of FSSAI

If you are already dealing in food products, you must be aware of FSSAI, an acronym of India's Food Safety and Standards Authority. You might have seen The Logo of FSSAI on all the food packets you buy. Wondering, what it is, or the registration or license required to start and run the food business. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is a government regulator to ensure the availability of Safe, Wholesome and Hygienic food by the Food Business Operators (FBO). To achieve its objective, the FSSAI has laid down several rules and standards, and it ensures the compliances of the set standards through regular inspection of the food businesses/FBO. The FSSAI has categorised FBOs into different categories. These categories of FBOs are elaborated further in the following sections "Type of Food business operator". "Food business operator" is a unique word in the food industry. That means a person by whom the business is carried on or owned and is responsible for ensuring the compliance of Food Safety And Standards Act, 2006, rules and regulations made thereunder.

FSSAI must have the data of the businesses who are dealing in the food to ensure compliance with the set standards by the FBO. Thus, every food business operator(FBO), whether small or large, needs to either register themselves with FSSAI or procure a licence before starting the food business or related enterprise. The food licenses are of two types one is a state license, and the other is a central license. The state license is provided by state authorities, whereas the central licensing unit of FSSAI controls the Central Licence.

It is essential to know whether the FBO needs just registration or a central/state licence for its business. Typically, all small food business operators who are not doing any manufacturing or processing and having an annual turnover of less than 12 lacs and are carrying business in one state only need to seek FSSAI Registration. In contrast, the Other food business operator needs to procure a licence. A detailed description of the eligibility is discussed in the eligibility section of this page.

Even NGOs involved in distribution of surplus food or Temples organising langar or bhandara,offering prashad need FSSAI License or Registration as per their eligibility criteria.

Legal Provisions Relating to FSSAI

The Law: Section 31 of The Food Safety And Standards Act, 2006 provides for Licensing and registration of food business. Before starting a Food Business, every person is required to register itself or obtain the State or Central License under the FSSAI. The applicable regulation is the Food Safety and Standards (Licensing and Registration of Food Businesses) Regulation, 2011.

FoSCoS: Recently, FSSAI has launched a Food Safety and Compliance System (FoSCoS) to replace the earlier Food Licensing and Registration System (FLRS). Food Safety and Compliance System (FoSCoS) is a cloud-based, upgraded new food safety compliance online platform. FoSCoS will be one point platform that will enable the across-the-country data-driven regulatory approach. FoSCoS will be offering licensing, registration, inspection, and annual return modules. The said system is launched with the view of One Nation, One Food Law, the benefits of a centralized law, rules, and regulation, are as under:

  • checkIt ensures globally benchmarked food standards and practices.
  • checkEnsures consistency in enforcement
  • checkFoster management in food testing with standardized testing methods and protocols

Term & Renewal: The FSSAI Registration or the Licence is location specific and is term bound. FBO could apply for registration or license at a particular location for a term of one year to five years, depending upon the choice. The government for FSSAI Registration or License will vary as per the term chosen by the FBO while making the relevant application. As the FSSAI Registration or License is valid only until the term for which it is granted, the renewal application must be filed before the expiry of the validity. If the renewal is not done within the time, the applicants need to file a new application for registration or license for its food business. Further, the FBO engaged in Manufacturing and Importing of Food Products needs to file Return(S) with FSSAI regarding each class of food products handled by such FBO during the previous financial year.

FDI Business

100% FDI is allowed in India’s food manufacturing and food processing sectors under the automatic approval route. No prior permission for FDI is required in India to set up a food manufacturing or food processing unit. Our startup team shall help you with the formation of a company with foreign investment. However, for retail and ecommerce business, the FDI is also permitted up to 100%. However, under the approval route. The concerned ministry grants approval for the FDI in retail and ecommerce on a case to case basis.

100% FDI Under Automatic Route

  • checkIt ensures globally benchmarked food standards and practices.
  • checkEnsures consistency in enforcement
  • checkFoster management in food testing with standardized testing methods and protocols

100% FDI Under Approval Route

  • checkIt ensures globally benchmarked food standards and practices.
  • checkEnsures consistency in enforcement
  • checkFoster management in food testing with standardized testing methods and protocols

What is an FSSAI License and Registration

Any Food Business Operator (FBO) engaged in activities related to any stage of food-related business needs to apply for registration/ licence based on its eligibility criteria on the online portal named FoSCoS. No FBO could start its food business without Food registration/Licence. It is a mandatory requirement under Food Safety And Standards Act, 2006. Following activities relating to Food Business is Covered under FSSAI.

ManufacturingStorageDistribution of FoodCatering Services
ProcessingTransportationImport & ExportSale of Food
PackagingTradingFood ServicesSale of Food Ingredients

Difference between Food licence and Food Registration

S.No.Food RegistrationFood Licence
1.It is required by petty food manufacturers or the FBO having a turnover of less than Rs 12 Lakhs unless the FBO is covered under mandatory licencing.It is typically required for the businesses having a turnover of more than 12 lacs or by the FBO engaged in food processing and manufacturing.
2.The government fee for registration is Rs 100 for each financial year.The government fee for a food licence ranges from Rs 2000 to 5000 Per Annum for a State licence and Rs 7,500/-Per Annum for the Central Licence.
3.FSSAI registration number also carries 14 digits in it, but the first digits starts with 2.FSSAI licence carries 14 digits in it wherein the first digit starts with 1
4.Food Registration It is always granted by the State Licencing AuthorityIt is granted by state Licencing Authorities in the case of State licence and central Licencing Authority in case of Central Licence.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1.Who needs to register?
Q2.Who issues FSSAI License and Registration?
Q3.Do I need to apply for a different licence for carrying out business in different food products at the same premises?
Q4.A FBO carrying out food business in different states and having multiple units in these states, can it procure a common licence for all?
Q5.Can I manufacture or process any food product from the premise at which licence is granted?
Q6.What is the government fee for a food licence or registration?
Q7.Is there any validity period for FSSAI registration/Licence?
Q8.When to apply for renewal?
Q9.What will be the fee for filing the renewal for a period of three years, if licence fee is Rs 2000 pa.?
Q10.Can a food registration /Licence be modified?
Q11.What happens if I close the food business?
Q12.Is food licence /registration cancelled after death of proprietor?
Q13.Can I transfer my food licence /registration?